Your complete guide for the rules of the race

USA Cycling Rules
The USA Cycling rule book aims to provide consistent competition guidelines, and ensure safety and fair play across all cycling events.
> USA Cycling Rules & Policies
Race Rules
2025 Tech Guide - Coming Soon
Momentum Indy is held under USA Cycling permit #10342.
Momentum Indy includes races that are USA Cycling sanctioned and regulated; as such, Momentum Indy is required to follow the rules and regulations set forth by USA Cycling. We follow all rules and regulations on racer eligibility and classification are set forth by USA Cycling.
Free-lap rule is in effect. Lapped riders may be pulled at the officials discretion.
Riders must present a valid 2025 USA Cycling license at registration to enter any race. Beginner One-day Race licenses (men, women, or juniors) may be purchased for $15 upon registering online or onsite. Any former member with a racing category excluded by the Beginner One-day Race license is eligible to purchase an Experienced One-day Race license for $35 once per year. Please see the USA Cycling website for a full schedule of fees.
Race promoter reserves the right to shorten, modify, cancel or combine any race or prize list in the event of insufficient entries, acts of God, fire, flood, natural disaster, war or threat of war, acts or threats of terrorism, civil disorder, unauthorized strikes, governmental regulation or advisory, recognized health threats as determined by the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, or local government authority or health agencies (including but not limited to the health threats of COVID-19, H1N1, or similar infectious diseases).
Pre-registration closes on Wednesday at 11:59pm EST the week of the event.
Onsite Registration will open 2 hours prior to the start of the first race and close 30 minutes before the start of each race. No discounts will be offered for registering for a second race.
Results are final after the standard 15-minute protest period for each race. All results will be final after the protest period has ended.
Helmets required.
Online pre-registration is strongly encouraged. NO REFUNDS. If COVID 19 conditions or events beyond the event promoters control force a cancellation of the 2024 event, all entry will be transferred to the 2026 edition.
Payout Schedule >
Payout Procedures
All prizes will be sent to winners via PAYPAL (or other electronic means as chosen by the promoter) the week following the event.
When you collect your bib at Registration, please verify your NAME, EMAIL, and PHONE NUMBER.
We will not mail physical checks.
Prize winnings for amateur-level races will be issued to the INDIVIDUAL. Prize winnings for pro-level races will be issued to the TEAM.
Individuals with combined winnings of $600 or more (including cash primes) will be required to complete an IRS form W-9 prior to being issued their prize money. It is your responsibility to complete the W-9 and send it to us: info@momentumindy.org or pick up a paper copy at Registration.
Please verify results within the standard 15-minute protest period for each race. All results will be final after the protest period has ended.
Leader's Jersey Scoring
Points: 25, 20, 16, 14, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.
Riders are required to register for all races in order to qualify for the Leader's Jersey.
Scoring of Ties: In case of a tie on total points, the tie will be broken in favor of the rider who has:
(a) The most first place finishes,
(b) If still tied, the most second place finishes, etc.,
(c) If still tied, the highest placing in the last race, or the race nearest the last race of the omnium in which at least one of the tied riders placed.
Protest Period & Results
Please note that the protest period for results is 15 minutes after results have been posted. According to the USA Cycling Rule Book, a protest regarding the final results must be made within 15 minutes after the announcement of results in order for riders to be eligible for prizes. Please report to the Chief Judge within that time period if you wish to protest your results.